Sunday, September 11, 2016

Pirates and Donuts!

Who doesn't love donuts, and dressing up in costume?

 Each year Krispy Kreme takes the fun a step further with their Talk Like A Pirate Day.  This year the fun will be on Monday September 19th.

Everyone who walks in and talks like a pirate gets a free glazed doughnut! But the fun doesn't stop there. Those who come in dressed in their pirate attire get an entire dozen of the delicious confectionery.

 What a treat, SO, gather up the kids, parents, neighbors and friends, put on your eye patch, bandana and pirate hat, then head to the nearest participating location for a huge sugar high, for FREE!

 Of course if you end up with more donuts than you need, consider stopping by a shelter, or food charity of your choice and sharing the fun.

For more details check out their website at for locations and official rules.

Arr matey, enjoy t' food and fun and Be Prepared t' Bless!


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